
Is the Flexible Working Schedule the Future of Workforce?

As Avril Lavigne said in her hit song "Complicated", why do you have to go and make things so complicated. Employers were compelled to adopt the flexible working policy, as there were many factors behind it. Hectic lifestyle, if not the lack of free time, leading to work-life imbalance. A work routine that could affect the motivation of anyone, everyone. Company unable to grow (or move on). Not all companies are allowing their employees to have a flexible working schedule, though.

You can arrange a meeting with your boss and discuss it. Your request might be granted, but don't expect an implementation right away. There are several factors to be considered in this process.

The Upside of a Flexible Working Schedule

You become a happier employee. A flexible working schedule gives you greater control over your time in the office. You can schedule other activities that are not related to work, which you've been thinking and planning for some time. You may not earn from it, but it's the personal fulfillment that matters the most. It makes you a happier employee, which can have a positive effect on your performance in the office. It can rub off your colleagues, which your boss will notice in a short time.

You have more time for family obligations. Married professionals, as well as single employees with kids, can benefit the most from this set-up. Parenthood is a 24/7 job, and it's not enough. The flexible working schedule gives them extra time for errands, quality time (after working hours), and activities that might not have to do with a getaway. This is the work-life balance that employers are hoping for.

You become more productive in the office. You have planned your week ahead, and you look forward to one or two happenings. You need to arrange your (flexible) working schedule, motivating you along the way. There's no room for lethargy, as the time (or the lack of it) signals you to work efficiently. You want to go faster, but you must think about your colleagues. They might have a different schedule, so there's a chance that you're in the same place in a few hours or less. You can talk about it, where you can reach an agreement.

There's a higher chance of recruiting the best candidates for the vacant positions. Millennials will like the flexible working schedule because they have more time for socialization. They can indulge in their interests. They are thinking of going places before reaching 30 (and settling down). In other words, they are not thinking about the rat race too early. Recruiters can expect a lower turnover rate, even less tardiness and absences. This leads to the next item.

A diverse workforce is possible. A flexible working schedule lures the best professionals to the company, but not coming from the same background. This is a plus in the current professional world, where most employers prefer employees (and applicants) with many skills. Not that they don't have the resources for training, but lack of time can be an issue.

The Downside of a Flexible Working Schedule

A flexible working schedule is not for everyone. Some employees can't stand the silence for hours, only hearing the clicking of the computer keyboard (and probably the cold air blasting from the air conditioner). They can put on their headset and listen to their favorite songs, but it's not something to hold on for a long time. There are others who prefer the presence of colleagues. The noise gives them assurance, a confirmation that man is truly a social animal.

The manager (or employer) might be so stressed out. A flexible working schedule becomes a problem when you need to meet together for an important matter. It can take some time before you agree on a particular hour. And there's no guarantee that you'll be able to discuss all the important matters in a given time. It may be better to select the first Monday of the month for that all-important meeting. It will be best to schedule it in the morning, as many might struggle to remain on focus during the afternoon.

The line between home and work is blurred. One type of flexible working schedule allows you to work from home, if not a remote place that you call home. You must be able to distinguish working hours from rest (or quality time with family). Choose a space in the house, which you must call your office. Don't do your work elsewhere. Talk to your boss about your schedule, and don't extend beyond it (once you agree on the time).

Some employees will abuse the flexible working schedule. Not that you should be defensive about it, but some take it for granted. You may be tempted after you become too cozy with the schedule.

The flexible working schedule can lead to envy and petty politics among employees. This possibility must be assessed carefully. It doesn't matter if it takes some time. You don't want an issue to get too hot to handle.

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